【レッジョ・エミリア・アプローチ アトリエ併設型の国際展覧会】が始まりました。
昨日からイタリア文化会館にて、【レッジョ・エミリア・アプローチ アトリエ併設型の国際展覧会】が始まりました。
テーマは「ボーダークロッシングス展 —行き来する、その先へ—」
“Reggio Emilia Approach: International Exhibition with Atelier” opened yesterday at the Italian Cultural Institute.
The theme of the exhibition is “Border Crossings – To and from and beyond.”
On the first day of the exhibition, a symposium was held inviting an expert on Reggio education from Italy.
The symposium gave me hope that children can open up the world by interacting with a variety of people while moving back and forth between here and there within the border.
Reggio Emilia’s policy that children are not the creators of “future” society, but the creators of “present” society, and that is why we need to listen carefully to their voices, is an idea that is also needed in today’s Japanese society.
The exhibition has already traveled around the world and will be traveling around Japan in the future. Not only those involved in childcare, education, and child-rearing, but any visitor is sure to find something new.