テーマは、「日本人を “日本人 “たらしめている要素はなにか?」
I recently participated as one of the guest speakers at a talk event organized by the Asia Society.
The theme was “What are the elements that make Japanese people “Japanese”?”
Using a documentary film titled “Making a Japanese” by Ema Yamazaki, which was filmed at an elementary school in Setagaya, as the subject, we had a discussion about education and society in Japan.
Japanese society has been built by people educated in Japan. Among Japanese education, it is Tokkatsu, such as serving school lunches and cleaning, in which children are involved, that have led any child to take the initiative and play a role in society.
And it was meaningful to have a multifaceted discussion about how such education in Japan has been incorporated in Egyptian education, and how the quality of Japanese education has been recognized around the world.
The film has been and will be released around the world.