I became one of the first [Digital Agency Certified Well-being Facilitator] in Japan!
Japan has passed a certain stage of economic affluence and is now in an era where people need to consciously seek peace of mind and wellbeing.
In the World Happiness Rankings, Japan ranks 51st, and 30th out of 41 countries in the OECD. Reasons for Japan’s low ranking include low freedom of choice in life, tolerance of others, trust in government, gender, and government.
The newly developed “Regional Well-Being Index” is an initiative to increase happiness and life satisfaction by learning about factors of wellbeing unique to Japan and discovering the strengths and characteristics unique to each municipality.
In order to spread the wellbeing-based policy formation initiative throughout Japan at once, 60 Well-being Facilitators have been created through a two-day training course hosted by the Digital Agency.
The facilitators will now begin to transmit the information throughout the country.
I believe that if more and more people think about what factors make up the happiness of a city and what kind of city we want our city to be in a few years’ time, a cycle of happiness will begin, the individuality of the city will be discovered, and Japan will be revitalized.