This year marks the 12th year since the establishment of Setagaya Hot Children Support (a.k.a. “Setahotto”), and a report on its activities was given.
In FY2023, the total number of consultations was 1,391, and the total number of activities was 3,211.
Many important words were introduced in order to be close to children’s hearts as adults.
ーThe child is the one who has the answer, and if the adult who is close to the child offers the answer, it is a failure.
ーThe problem is not the child’s fault alone, but the environment.
ーBelieve in the child’s own ability to solve problems.
ーWhat is important is not to make suggestions, but to believe that the child has the power.
ーTell them, “You have the right to live happily as you are.“
It is not easy to put this into practice, but I thought it was something I wanted to convey to all adults involved with children.