前半はTokyo Global Gatewayが青梅に次いで立川に作った英語体験施設。テクノロジーを使って、英語で伝わる体験を積める工夫があり、学生たちが生き生きとコミュニケーションをとっているのが印象的でした。障がいがあっても楽しめるプログラムもあり、まさに子どもから大人まで、誰もが楽しみながら学べる施設でした。
後半は、GREEN SPRINGS(グリーンスプリングス)というエリアのまちづくりの取り組みについて、これまでの経緯を伺い、見学させていただきました。米軍基地であった膨大な土地の活用が国から立川市に要請されたのが2003年のことで、そこから長年かけて地区計画や条例制定などが行われ、2020年にやっと開業にこぎつけた施設への思いを伺い、開発した事業者が運営まで行っている稀有な事例について学ぶことができました。どこを歩いていても、モットーとされているウェルビーイングを高めるまちづくりの工夫が感じられ、議員仲間から何度も歓声が上がりました。
I am currently serving as a representative of the Tokyo Young Councilors’ Association. Yesterday, we visited two initiatives taking place in Tachikawa.
The first part was an English experience facility built by Tokyo Global Gateway in Tachikawa after Ome. It was impressive to see students communicating in English using technology in a lively manner. There were also programs for people with disabilities, and it was truly a facility where everyone, from children to adults, could improve English communication skills while having fun.
The second part of the tour was a visit to an area called GREEN SPRINGS, where we heard about the history of the community development efforts in the area. It was in 2003 that the government requested Tachikawa City to utilize the huge amount of land that used to be a U.S. military base, and from there, district plans and ordinances were enacted over many years until the facility finally opened in 2020. The tour was a rare example of a facility that is operated by the developer of the property. Everywhere we walked, we could feel the ingenuity of the community development to enhance wellbeing, which is the motto of the city.
It was a wonderful city that I hope to visit again soon.