1月 第2の故郷アメリカへ
2月 子どものお店屋さんオープン
3月 旧尾崎テオドラ邸オープン
4月 作詞した『生きる』という曲がDAMのカラオケに
5月 豪徳寺のたまにゃん祭りに出店
6月 チェコの国際映画祭を視察
7月 デジタル庁ウェルビーイングファシリテーターに認定
8月 東京若手議員の会の代表に選出
9月 心のサポーターに認定
10月 小学校でバルーンリリースを開催
11月 キネコ国際映画祭を開催
12月 映画「小学校〜それは小さな社会〜」日本で劇場公開
Memorable Events in 2024
January: I went to the U.S., my second hometown.
February: Opening of the children’s store.
March: Former Ozaki Theodora House opens
April: “Ikiru”, a song I wrote, became a DAM karaoke song.
May: Participated in the Tamanyan Festival in Gotokuji
June: Visited Czech International Film Festival
July: Certified as a Well-Being Facilitator by the Digital Agency
August: Elected as a representative of Tokyo Young Councilors’ Association
September: Certified as a Heart’s Supporter
October: Held a balloon release at an elementary school
November: Participated in the Kineko International Film Festival
December: Film “Making of a Japanese” released in theaters in Japan
It was a year in which many of the things I had been involved in for several years and had almost given up on several times came to successful outcomes.
It is important to keep trying without giving up.
I look forward to working with you again next year.