「能登半島 台湾被災地支援チャリティーオークション」の支援金を世田谷区長にお渡ししました。
本日、旧尾崎テオドラ邸でこの夏に実施した「能登半島 台湾被災地支援チャリティーオークション」の結果、能登半島支援に集まった支援金1千124万4500円を世田谷区長にお渡ししました。今後、全額が世田谷区から能登半島に送られ、復旧・復興に使われます。
Today, The Ozaki Theodora’s House handed over 11,244,500 yen in aid collected for Noto Peninsula support as a result of the “Noto Peninsula Taiwan Disaster Area Support Charity Auction” held this summer at the former Ozaki Theodora’s House to the Setagaya City Mayor. The entire amount will be sent from Setagaya City to the Noto Peninsula to be used for restoration and reconstruction.
Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.
It has been almost a year since the Noto Peninsula disaster on January 1. There are still people who have not been able to return to their daily lives. I would like to spend our daily lives without forgetting those people.